Sis, Take Care of YOU

Society has placed a weight on the shoulders of melanin women that has the ability to drown us from the overwhelming demands. We no longer have to portray the “strong Black woman”, however, we all would love to live peacefully while indulging in the desires, goals and factors that we love most. That job that you work damn hard for has not been as fulfilling. Your significant other may be requesting you to work 40+ hours per week PLUS operate as a 1950’s housewife delivering cooked meals daily and tending to the kids by yourself. Your children may be running you ragged. Family is always depending on you to resolve their problems. The sister-friends are complaining that you never have time to hang out anymore. And by this point, you are suffocating from the expectations coming from every direction. Sis, it is time to take care of YOU! 

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation and that is an act of political warfare.” - Audre Lorde 

In an effort to practice positive techniques to improve our wellness, we want to honor and uplift you for Mental Health Awareness Month. Although taking care of your mental state has been a taboo subject in our culture, we advocate for you to focus on your mental FIRST as it will have a trickle down effect on your remaining wellness components (emotional, spiritual and physical). Grab a pen, a piece of paper and take 5 minutes to write out your current pros and cons that you are experiencing in your life. Be sure to show yourself some grace and celebrate the wins that are happening. Then take each con and determine 1-2 ways that this aspect can become a pro or a valuable factor. If you need assistance with determining your optimistic plan of action, consult with a mental health professional (counselor, therapist, etc.) for further guidance. 

Check out these tips to make your journey less stressful: 

1. Do breathing exercises: try inhaling for 5 seconds, holding at the top for 4 seconds and exhaling for 5 seconds. Repeat as many times as needed. 2. Have “Me” time daily: try for a minimum of 30 minutes to tend to yourself without any interruptions. No phones, no people, no distractions.

3. Journal your thoughts: at the beginning or end of your day, reflect on your day and express how you are feeling, what you have going on and potential resolutions. 

4. Eat brain-friendly foods: Hydrate with water while avoiding foods high in fat, cholesterol, sugar and chemicals. Incorporate leafy greens, nuts (cashews, walnuts & pecans), whole grains (oats, quinoa, & wild rice), fruits (seeded only), and seeds (hemp or pumpkin) into your meals daily. Avoid blocking your pineal gland or neuromelanin. 

5. Limit alcohol use: chemicals and toxins in alcohol can cause a hormonal imbalance causing a disturbance with your mental capacity 

6. It’s okay to say “No”: everybody does not deserve your time especially when you are drained and healing yourself. 

7. Set applicable boundaries: you have full control over your time, who deserves your energy and what you allow in your presence. Surround yourself with optimistic, high-vibrational individuals. 

8. Embrace your journey: as you continue to heal and evolve, you will not be able to take everyone with you. Be okay with growing and potentially taking that route on your own. 

9. Indulge in what you love: participate in a hobby that brings you joy to ignite the happiness within. 

10. Relax, Relate, Release: get plenty of sleep (minimum of 7-8 hours daily). Reflect on everything that is happening around you. Release any negative emotions including anger or hurt through crying, therapy or rituals that will restore you. 

Looking for daily inspiration or support with accountability? Consider some of these advocates: 

Alkeme Health 

National Alliance on Mental Illness 

Therapy for Black Girls 

Inclusive Therapists 

Black Mental Health Matters: The Podcast 

LGBTQ Psychotherapists of Color 

Free Mental Health Resources by Nedra Tawwab 


“Setting boundaries and stillness are two ways I’m working on taking better care of myself at the minute. Establishing limits provides you with the stillness in your life to be able to sit with yourself.” - Maryam Ajayi, Founder of Divine in Well. 

Know that we are all figuring out what works best for our own mental states. Unlearning conditions and toxic traits can be mind-boggling and requires patience to succeed. If none of this information resonates at all, we encourage you to research and see what aligns with your intentions. We manifest a positive month ahead! And don’t forget…Sis, take care of YOU! 

Brittany Walker

​​Brittany Walker, M.S. is a lover of serving others and aims to help the underrepresented (people of color, women, LGBTQ+, veterans and individuals with disabilities) to elevate to their highest frequency. As the Founder of Kick Cramp’s Ass, she also performs as a Strategic Operations Entrepreneur, Plant-Based Nutritionist, Educator, Author (NNG’s Formula to Kick Cramp’s Ass: A blueprint to naturally get rid of menstrual cramps), Podcast Host (Transcend with NNG and Kick Cramp’s Ass), Executive Board of Directors Member for Sober Black Girl Club, Wellness Blogger for Spoken Black Girl and “Amplify Black Lit” Book Club Host for Analog Dope inspiring others to acquire generational wealth and achieve optimal wellness. Brittany’s past experience includes being a former Biology Professor, Restaurateur, retired Chef and Operations guru afforded her the skills to develop expertise in more than 15 industries.

She has an Associates in Applied Science in Culinary Arts, Associates in Applied Science in Hotel/Restaurant Management, Bachelor of Science in Technical Management (with a concentration in Hospitality Management), Master of Science in Nutrition Education and a certificate in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. A true alchemist and a firm advocate for optimal health, she works diligently to ensure those who she is meant to serve are evolving mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially.

In 2017, Brittany transitioned to a plant-based lifestyle which provided her the opportunity to lose more than 80 lbs holistically and reversed more than 10 diagnoses including Type 2 Diabetes, Bipolar II Disorder, Ovarian Cystitis, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). On June 27, 2020, Brittany took her last sip of alcohol and has not turned back since. This capricious period ignited a passion within that she could educate the masses with preventing and/or eliminating chronic illnesses through developing positive health outcomes and overcoming alcohol addiction. This capricious period ignited a passion within that she could educate the masses with preventing and/or eliminating chronic illnesses through developing positive health outcomes. This galvanism drives Brittany to serve POSITIVE, PRODUCTIVE and PEACEFUL strategies as she fulfills her purpose.

Social Media: @kickcrampsass | @newnationgoddess