3 Tips for Beating Post-Grad Depression

Image thanks to Health.com.

Image thanks to Health.com.

Two months. It’s been two months since I’ve graduated college. Even though this was a huge milestone, my mind was fixated on what I hadn’t accomplished. Senior year came with many anxieties and securing a job before graduation day was my biggest concern. Time had passed, and graduation had come and gone. However, there I was, unemployed and living at home. My goals seemed sidetracked and my dream remained pinned to a vision board.

I beat myself up for weeks. I felt inadequate, insecure, and disappointed that my post grad life didn’t live up to my expectations. To have applied to so many jobs and have gotten no response was a hit to my self-esteem. I began comparing myself to others and quickly fell into a negative headspace. I just knew that my setbacks would create a huge hindrance to my five year and  maybe even ten year plan. I wanted more for myself. It took a while for me to realize just how unrealistic and high my expectations were.

In the face of what seemed like failure, here are some things I found to be truly motivating:

1. Reassurance That Timing is Everything

The biggest mistake I’ve made is assuming that things will happen when I want them to. It is so cliché to say that timing is everything, but it’s true. Understanding and accepting that things happen when they are supposed to, not when I want them to, is essential. That dream job you thought was the job made for you is not the first job you’ll get. And that’s okay. Taking your time to learn and develop your craft will only better prepare you for the job you want. It’s not about who finishes first but the journey you take to get there. And while you may be going all the way through it, you’re going to gain the type of experience that can’t be learned in an office. The resilience I’ve attained during this process was beyond anything I could have anticipated.  

2. Being Thankful for Closed Doors

Look at rejection as guidance into the right direction. For every closed door, there will be another one that opens. Just like relationships, you’ll be thankful in the long run that some opportunities didn’t work out. Don’t let a lost opportunity at a company with flashy perks, a chill office culture, and impressive compensation cause you to lose sleep. If there’s no room to grow, extremely long hours, and/or terrible upper management - wyd sis? These red flags and many others can be overlooked in the rush to land that perfect gig, causing you more problems than necessary in the long run. What’s for you is for you - keep pushing forward and be content in knowing that.

3. Knowing My Worth

Just because the ideal opportunity hasn’t presented itself, does not mean you should put your ideas, aspirations, or dreams on hold. I have a long list of things I’d like to do, but those things won’t happen while I’m sitting and waiting for the right time, tools, or job. What I’m not going to do is second guess myself or underestimate my abilities because of a few rejections. If you are not willing to invest in yourself, why expect others to do so? Be confident, know your value, and do what you can to enhance the talents you already have.

Being turned down can break your spirits and make you want to give up. However, I owe it to myself, in the same way that you owe it yourself, to continue to work hard. If you’ve stopped trying due to the fear of being rejected, you could miss out. It can be as small as making a list of your goals and writing out the steps you plan to achieve them. Do one thing everyday to set yourself up for success.

Have you ever dealt with Post-Grad Depression? What helped you through this difficult time?